The Advantages Of Receiving A Free Poker Stake

Posted on Thursday, 26 September 2019 by Gamblin Blogs | 0 comments

The world of poker is filled with players who are using someone else's money to get ahead. They receive a poker stake from a sponsor which enables them to take on the best players in the world if they choose. To apply for a stake, simply go online to a poker staking company and fill in their application form. You need to be prepared to prove your poker credentials because no sponsor will be willing to risk money on a novice. For those receiving the cash, there are very few drawbacks and a plethora of positives.
No Risk
The most obvious advantage of receiving a poker stake is the free money. Once you sign a contract, you are not risking a single cent of your own cash. No legitimate company will ask you to give your bank details (unless you unwisely choose to have the money paid there instead of PayPal for example) or invest any money of your own. The staking company is obviously impressed with your talent because they are placing faith and money in you. This means much less pressure than if it was your own money which usually leads to spectacular results.
Better Skills
As the poker staking company has laid down cash, it is in their best interests to improve your skills as best they can. You may be fortunate enough to be staked by a company who has professional players on their books. They will be able to give you all sorts of hints and tips with regards to playing online poker. So not only will you get a free poker stake, you will also have your game improved massively over the course of time. This will prove invaluable when the time comes to risk your own money.
Having money handed to you also allows you to play at stakes you are comfortable with. Those risking their own money may be forced to play at low stakes due to lack of cash or else high stakes games could be played in order to recover money that has already been lost.
A Guilty Conscience
There are some downsides to being staked however though none of them are severe or costly. If you received a poker stake and proceeded to blow through all of it in rapid time, you may feel guilty for losing your sponsor's investment. This feeling will be exacerbated if you are backed by an individual rather than a company. You should know that most stakes are offered by large companies who can afford the loss so don't feel so bad if things go wrong.
Playing The Percentages
Another problem is the fact you only receive a certain percentage of the profit. The majority of staking companies offer about half the profit to the player though more generous organizations may allow the player up to 65% of the profit. Again, this is not much of a complaint when you consider the fact you have not risked money of your own. If anything, half the profit is an extremely generous offer. Be grateful that there is a company out there willing to give you a free chance to make money doing something you love.
If you are looking to play online poker but cannot afford to get in on the action, consider using the services of companies that can offer you a free poker stake in return for a share of the profits. Poker players with a small bankroll will never have a better risk-free opportunity to increase it.


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